
Striving to be Canada's best alternative mortgage lender


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Canada has over $2 trillion in residential mortgage debt across over 15 million households. 75% of this mortgage debt is held by Canada’s Schedule 1 banks with the balance held by mortgage finance companies,  trust companies, provincial Credit Unions, non-bank alternative lenders, and private lenders. As a non-bank alternative lender, AP Capital reaches the market of Canadian borrowers through the nation’s network of independent licensed mortgage brokers. AP’s underwriting team typically reviews over 1,000 applications per year; reviewing each application and choosing only those that meet our rigid underwriting standards.  Typically 70% are rejected with 30% receiving a commitment to fund. Our team sets a high preference for highly marketable residential homes in urban populations cities and communities in Western Canada.

Canadians have nearly a century-long track record of making their mortgage payment a high priority. Mortgage delinquency rates have remained low for decades through many different cycles and Canada’s banks are often the envy of the banking world globally. Being a non-bank alt mortgage fund in the Canadian market, AP Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation has provided returns that fit well with many Canadian investors and their goals for capital preservation and steady yield.

As a Vancouver, Canada based non-bank alternative mortgage lender, AP Capital Mortgage Fund manages a diverse portfolio of more than 400 mortgages secured primarily by residential dwellings in major urban cities and communities in Western Canada. Since 2007 our underwriting team has advanced and managed more than 2,200 mortgages. We offer a unique product compared to conventional prime lending, albeit at higher interest rates. We proudly work for our 1,500+ investors (Class B, Class F, and Class I shareholders) first and foremost.  Critical to our business is our partners; including mortgage brokers, financial advisors, institutional investors, family offices, banking partners, conveyancing firms, lawyers and accountants, appraisers, and many more.  Contact Us to learn more about AP Capital!

AP Capital operates as both AP Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation (mortgage fund) and AP Capital MIC Management Corp (management company).