
Fund Facts


Fund Facts

24 Fund Facts | Monthly Reports | Fund SummaryFact FridayAP on all the social networks 

Effective DateDecember 31, 2024
Mortgages Under Administration$247 MM
Mortgages funded since inception$1 B
Mortgages in Portfolio414
Mortgages funded since inception2,396
Portfolio Loan to Value (LTV)57%
Mortgage funds in BC92%
Mortgage funds in AB8%
Mortgage funds in 1st position78%
Mortgage funds in 2nd position22%
Residential Mortgages97%
Mortgages secured by:
Single Detached Homes60%
Serviced & Urban Lots29%
Owner Occupied 42%
Average Credit Score of Borrowers 711
% of portfolio in foreclosure5.27%
Average LTV on foreclosures53%
10 year total non-recovered funds0.17%
Consecutive dividends paid to shareholders178
Class B shares (EMD)8.50% p.a.
Class F shares (fee-based advisors)9.00% p.a. (less advisor fee)
Class I shares ($15 MM min)9.50% p.a.
Top-Up / 13th distributionIf applicable, all share classes receive top-up annually after audited yield is calculated
Shareholder Accounts1,592
Shareholders choosing monthly cash distribution51%
Shareholders choosing share re-investment (DRIP)49%
Shareholders with open/cash investment68%
Shareholders with registered funds (RRSP, TFSA, etc)32%